piątek, 24 czerwca 2011

Polish burglar.

I was just browsing on the website of a certain UK newspaper, I'm not naming the paper but it prints at least one negative story about migrants every day, sure we have a lot of foreign undesireables in this country and if they were deported they wouldn't be missed but we also have a lot of migrants who respect this country and are anything but criminal, we have an element of native people who quite simply are human rubbish, my whole point is, it is wrong to judge a person by nationality.
There is a distrurbing story about a burglar who broke into an elderly womans house, tied her up and left her to freeze to death, I'm sure any right thinking person would agree that this criminal deserves locking up, OK, he is Polish, the Daily M*** (guessed the paper yet?) made sure we all knew that and then went on into a predictable ramble about 'immigrant squatters', there was also a story about another serious burglary but as it was done by a British person, they failed to mention his nationality.

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